
Monday, July 19, 2010

Ecuador, Quito Nightlife

Criss-crossing the bar and music zones, I am drawn to with I perceive to be the local Ecuadorian rhythm.


Casa Cerveza A $2.00 cover charge and I am experiencing the energy of La Casa De La Cervesa.



My limited Spanish is useless but the beat of the music does well compensating.

My hips and legs cannot resist and they start moving without warning. I am relieved to hear a mix of "I have got a feeling tonight is going to be a good .. good night".

The room is hot and packed, soon the sweat is pouring.

Sometime around midnight an announcement is made and the house lights go up. I am thinking "wow" they must close early here. Then a surprise!

A single Ecuadorian "Chippendale" appears from the back of the room and begins entertaining the ladies which last for about 20 minutes.


Later, the men are afforded equal opportunity.
As Forrest Gump would say,  "That's all I have to say about that”

The outside air is cool and refreshing, in the mid sixties as I leave La Casa but I am drenched in sweat even the back of my knees.
A Good, Good Night. I had a feeling it would be.

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