
Monday, February 14, 2011

Antarctica, Landing At Whalers Bay


Standing in the zodiac queue, Peter and I attempt to solicit more volunteers for this afternoon's possible Polar Plunge.  Comparisons with Hawaii are not working and we fail miserably in our attempts.



CAN 047 Since anchoring at Deception Island, the howling wind has continued to make it's strong presence known.




In coping with the peer pressure, the seas are returning the favor in kind. This makes docking and boarding the zodiacs a little more challenging than normal.

Today, it is a shorter ride to our landing spot and I welcome the ride from the small white cap seas.

Arriving at Whalers Bay we are given a nice introduction to the island by Lynn our Expedition Leader. Lynn's introduction also includes an open invitation for any of us crazy enough to do the Polar Plunge to return to our present spot at 5:45pm.

With the anointed time for our challenge set, Peter and I are off to explore a bit of Whalers Bay.




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