
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

China, A New Wall Discovered



Great Wall 076One of my main reasons for visiting China is to hike a portion of the over 4,000 mile long “Great Wall” that is in some areas at least 700 years old.





Settling into Chinese Box Hostel after an almost midnight arrival, I am surprised to hear a few of the guests talking about a new wall discovered here. Turning on my notebook, I am interested to research if their discovery is true.

I have just lost contact with my 1865.75 friends. OMG, what I am going to do? How am I going to survive the next 5 days in China? I have just clashed into something more intimidating and technologically advanced than what was built here almost 700 years ago.

I have encountered, “The Great Facebook Firewall”. But have no fear, Captain Facebook, a fellow guest comes to the rescue with a little program that conquers this wall like the Mongolians could not do hundreds of years ago.

I am LLMAO as the wall comes crumbling down right before my eyes. A moment later, I realize that conquering this wall may not have been a good thing. Now I have to once again defend myself from banner ads, spam and possibly 1.3 billion friend requests. OMG.

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