
Saturday, January 26, 2013

Luxembourg, A Winter Evening Walk



ST76 JAN21 021As I crest a snow covered hill from a cobblestone path, I am on one of the main roads into the city and I am immediately taken back in time.

Along this road are the partial remains of probably one of the city's historic entry gates.



From my vantage point I can now look down on another part of the city which is hundreds of feet below me. With rooftops covered in snow and amber lights radiating from the windows of some of the buildings, it seems as if I am looking at a fairy tale city.




ST76 JAN21 022Casemate Luxembourg




ST76 JAN21 029What I am actually looking at is the Casemate, an area built by the Spaniards in the 1700's.







Along a path off the main road I am headed towards Notre Dame Cathedral one of Luxembourg’s prominent landmarks. Built in the 1900's, at the entrance of the cathedral is a nice written display of the history of Luxembourg.



ST76 JAN21 031The two things that I find most interesting are the conquest of Gaul by Julius Cesar 58-50 av and the fact that the city was liberated by American soldiers in 1944.








ST76 JAN21 043Notre Dame Cathedral Luxembourg



Although the inside of the cathedral does not compare to Notre Dame in Paris the sense of calm and peace being here is the same as I view a still on display nativity scene while soothing music is played in the background.

As I leave, the bells of Notre Dame are tolling to mark another hour passed in the city.


ST76 JAN21 052My walk this evening follows one of the many designed paths that allows you to in about two to three hours cover hundreds if not a thousand years of Luxembourg history.





With night and temperatures falling I will shave a few hundred years of history from my walk but will have still learned a few things about this city which was founded in 963.



ST76 JAN21 047I stroll down now softly lit narrow streets to view The Grand-Ducal Palace, The Palace of Justice and The Museum Of History de la Ville as a light snow is beginning to dust the ground.








ST76 JAN21 056The Museum Of History de la Ville


Making my way back to YouthHostels Luxembourg, in some areas the intensity of the snowfall increases. This enhances the fairytale image of the city below that I walked by earlier.

I imagine warm fireplaces been stoked and I know somewhere out there is a gingerbread boy.



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